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How is Brexit affecting European Entrepreneurship in the UK?

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Businesses in the UK have been facing the twin force the Covid-19 pandemic and the end of the Brexit transition period. One group encountering particular headwinds have been European entrepreneurs in the UK who had previously been attracted to the country in large numbers. With new restrictions on the freedom of movement in place, the movement of talent across borders is now being restrained, not to mention the much less favourable UK-EU trade terms. Someone who has been following these developments closely is Olivier Cadic, a French Senator representing French citizens abroad and himself a French entrepreneur who founded a publishing business, Cinebook, in the UK back in 2005. Senator Cadic will share his views with the NLC European Forum on how the latest developments will impact businesses who have been previously thriving on the back of open borders and extensive cross- border cooperation.

Olivier Cadic was elected representative for French citizens living in the UK to the Assembly of French Citizens Abroad (AFE) in 2006 and has been a senator since 2014. At the French senate, he is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and the Armed Forces, President of the France-Gulf States Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group and Member of the Monitoring Group of the new EU-UK Relationship.

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