NLC Commonwealth Forum
Visit to Buffalo, New York, USA

The NLC Commonwealth Forum Visit to Buffalo, New York, USA
18 - 26 June 2022

Following on from the NLC Commonwealth Forum visit to Canada, delegation members Emily Robinson, Subbu Loganathan, Ashley Moore, Hayden Greenfield, and James Brown left for Buffalo, New York, USA on the morning of the 18th of June from Toronto. Stopping at Niagara Falls, NY and Lockport, NY, before arriving to Buffalo for a barbeque hosted by Emily’s family.

The group welcomed David Dominey on Monday the 20th, taking part in a cruise around Buffalo Harbor and Canalside.  Over the next three days, the group was able to take a tour of the city and history museum, visit several of the 40+ breweries of Buffalo, catch a baseball game, and have lunch and a tour of one of the NLC’s newest reciprocals, the Buffalo Club.