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Filtering by: “human ecology”

Earth Day: The Climate in Crisis

Earth Day: The Climate in Crisis

Earth Day Event.jpg

The Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, in conjunction with the National Liberal Club’s Commonwealth Forum are hosting an event on April 22, 2021 - “Earth Day: The Climate in Crisis”

With the last 20 years confirmed as the hottest on record, we know humanity must change and act quickly and decisively to solve the climate crisis. Please join us as CHEC discusses the climate crisis and the path forward in our Earth Day Webinar.

Speaker Line-up:

Opening: Mark Robinson -  Chair, Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC)

Speaker: Emily Robinson -  Climate Reality Project Leader, CHEC Board Member

Respondent: David Gomez - Director, Ramphal Institute

Closure: Kamela Palma - Chair, Ramphal Institute

Missed the Talk? No Problem!
Check out the full talk on our Media Gallery Page.

Alternatively, the full session can be viewed on CHEC’s YouTube Channel: Earth Day Event

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